With enough of us, around the world, we'll not just send a strong message opposing the privatization of knowledge — we'll make it a thing of the past. Will you join us?
Aaron Swartz
Internet Hacktivist
There is no doubt that open access is necessary for humanity to be able to effectively tackle the very real large scale issues the world is facing.
Sir Tim Berners-Lee
World Wide Web Creator
Scientists should only submit to open access journals
Aaron Ciechanover n
Nobel prize in Chemistry
Knowledge is power, and access to scientific publications from publicly funding research is a moral right.
Carlos Moedas
European Commisioner - Research, Science & Innovation
There has been enough nice language, waiting and saying please. Research communities aren't willing to tolerate procrastination anymore.
Robert-Jan Smits
European Commisisoner - Open Access
The time is now! Politicians have already decided, and the big publishing houses will have to adjust as fast as possible in order to survive!
Maria Leptin
Director of EMBO, Germany
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